Musings, Insights and Occasional Rants
on Planets, Signs, Transits and
the Meaning of Life

Lizanne Hanks

I was abducted by Dark Lord Pluto today. He lured me to the underworld with the promise of treasure but instead I was met by the foul ...

Lizanne Hanks

For the past six years, Saturn has been free to pursue his own stern agenda without constraint. Now Saturn will have to answer to Jupiter

Lizanne Hanks

The Gods of ancient Greece didn’t bother too much about common morality. But two things really set them off: hubris and a lack of h ...

Lizanne Hanks

What's my purpose? Why am I here? Since many of us no longer turn to traditional religion for meaning, Astrology is filling the void.

Lizanne Hanks

Here, at the midpoint of two significant eclipses, we find ourselves in a world of shadows, haunted by memories of the past and ghosts of ...

Lizanne Hanks

Surrendering to the Saturnian principle in our lives brings unforeseen blessings over time.

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