Thema Mundi

The Astrology Chart of the World

Course Summary

In the rich tapestry of Hellenistic Astrology, there is a unique and symbolic chart known as the "Thema Mundi," which translates to "Chart of the World" or "World Theme." Think of the Thema Mundi as a mythical birth chart for the world, a foundational blueprint that underpins many of the astrological principles and techniques of the Hellenistic era.  This course explains the Thema Mundi and its significance for understanding the major components of aspect theory.

Course Curriculum

Lizanne Hanks

Lizanne is a professional astrologer, trainer and star-gazer. She brings rigour, humour and passion to all her astrological coaching. Lizanne's enthusiasm is contageous and her teaching style is friendly and engaging. 

Julie Glaser

communications consultant

Lizanne's passion and enthusiasm for astrology is infectious. Great course!

Course Pricing

  • Thema Mundi
  • $29 USD

    Learn about the symbolic birth chart of the cosmos known as the "Thema Mundi."

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